1802-09-01 Freedom seeking: Ralph
- Title
- 1802-09-01 Freedom seeking: Ralph
- Identifier
- NJS-EVE-00990
- Source
- Runaway ad for Ralph, by Appollo Woodward
- Runaway ad for Ralph, by Appollo Woodward, "Fifteen Dollars Reward," Trenton Federalist, September 13, 1802, p. 3.
- Event Description
On September 1, 1802, a 21-year-old Black man named Ralph ran away from his enslaver Appollo Woodward of Arney's Town, Upper Freehold township, Monmouth County, New Jersey.
Transcript of the source document:
"Fifteen Dollars Reward.
RAN away from the subscriber the 1st of September inst. a NEGRO MAN, named Ralph, about 21 years of age, short stout built, rather bow legged, wears his hair platted, and is remarkable, when in conversation, for alternately looking at and from the person with whom he converses; had on when he went away, a nankeen coattee, waistcoat and trousers, a straw hat lined with a bandanna handkerchief, and new shoes. Whoever will return said Negro to the subscriber, living near Arney's Town, Upper Freehold, Monmouth County, or secure him in any gaol so that he may be obtained again, shall receive the above reward and all reasonable. charges.
September 12, 1802. 85-3w" - Event Type
- Resistance: Freedom seeking
- Date
- 1 September 1802
- Location of Event
- Arneytown, Upper Freehold
- Primary Participant
- Ralph (b. 1781)
- Enslaver
- Appollo Woodward
- Participant Details
*** Ralph (b. 1781) ***
Role: Runaway
Age: 21
Status: Enslaved
Enslaver(s) of this participant:
- Appollo Woodward
Verbatim description from source:
"NEGRO MAN, named Ralph, about 21 years of age, short stout built, rather bow legged, wears his hair platted, and is remarkable, when in conversation, for alternately looking at and from the person with whom he converses"
Appollo Woodward
Role: Enslaver - Advertiser - Record Contributor
- Jesse Bayker
- Resource class
- Event
- Item sets
Part of 1802-09-01 Freedom seeking: Ralph
Position: 2161 (13 views)