Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York
- Place Title
- Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York
- Identifier
- NJS-PLC-00256
- Place Type
- City, Town, or Village
- Description
- Flatbush was among the earliest colonial settlements established in Kings County on Long Island in the 17th century. It remained an independent city until 1894 when it was annexed by Brooklyn. Flatbush is now a neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York.
- Address
- Flatbush, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, United States of America
- Locality
- Brooklyn
- County (Modern)
- Kings County, New York
- State or Province
- New York
- Country
- United States of America
- Latitude
- 40.650375
- Longitude
- -73.958735
- Same As
- Flatbush (Wikipedia)
- Record Contributor
- Jesse Bayker
- Linked Persons
To filter persons by location and other criteria, visit the Persons browsing page.
Persons of African descent linked to Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York:
White persons linked to Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York:
- Linked Events
To filter events by location, name, date, and other criteria, visit the Events browsing page.
Event location is Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York:
- Resource class
- Location
- Item sets
Part of Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York
Position: 517 (21 views)