1815-09 Jailing: Elisha
- Title
- 1815-09 Jailing: Elisha
- Identifier
- NJS-EVE-01102
- Source
- Runaway ad for Elisha, by George Farmer
- Runaway ad for Elisha, by George Farmer, "Fifty Dollars Reward," Fredonian, February 8, 1816, p. 4.
- Event Description
Around September 1815, a young Black man named Elisha, who was enslaved by John Tucker of Rahway, was jailed for stealing. The jail mentioned in the source probably refers to the Middlesex County jail, which was located in New Brunswick.
Transcript of the source document:
"Fifty Dollars Reward.
RAN AWAY from the subscriber on the night of the 27th ult. a negro man named
purchased on the 9th September of John Tucker, Esq. of Rahway, at that time in jail for stealing—about 21 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches, pretty black, large eyes, tolerably good looking fellow, rather slender made, very lazy. Had on when he went away light colored fulled linsey coatee, under jacket and trowsers of cloth nearly black, trowsers much worn and patched, mixt grey stockings, odd, one footed with yard of a darker color, old linen shirt, and an old hat. Whoever takes up said negro and delivers him to me shall have the above reward.
George Farmer.
Belle Vue, opposite New Brunswick,
February 1, 1816." - Event Type
- Violence: Jailing
- Date
- September 1815
- Date Certainty
- Approximate
- Location of Event
- Middlesex County gaol (jail), New Brunswick
- Related Place
- Rahway
- Following Event
- 1815-09-09 Sale: Elisha
- Primary Participant
- Elisha (b. 1795)
- Enslaver
- John Tucker
- Participant Details
*** Elisha (b. 1795) ***
Role: Jailed Person
Age: 21
Status: Enslaved
Enslaver(s) of this participant:
- John Tucker
Verbatim description from source:
"a negro man named ELISHA, purchased on the 9th September of John Tucker, Esq. of Rahway, at that time in jail for stealing—about 21 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches, pretty black, large eyes, tolerably good looking fellow, rather slender made, very lazy"
John Tucker
Role: Enslaver - Record Contributor
- Kate Jackson
- Resource class
- Event
- Item sets
Part of 1815-09 Jailing: Elisha
Position: 308 (26 views)