Princeton University & Slavery
We have partnered with our colleagues at the Princeton & Slavery Project to create database records related to archival documents and newspaper advertisements that have been published on the Princeton & Slavery website. Guided by Dr. R. Isabela Morales, a team of student volunteers at Princeton University has been working to create a comprehensive index of names and events for the Princeton area. Additionally, when our Rutgers team finds records for people who were Princeton students, professors, or trustees, we add this information to the database and mark these people as Princeton affiliates.
Database Records
There are two ways to identify people who are related to Princeton University history in our database:
- Method 1. Go to the PERSONS browsing page and use the Keyword filter. Select the keyword Princeton University history. This will show you a list of all people in our database whose lives intersected with Princeton history, including over 30 white men affiliated with the university and over 25 Black people who were enslaved by the affiliates. You can then use additional filters to further narrow down your search.
- Method 2. Go to this custom database index for Princeton Affiliates. This index shows you the affiliate's relationship to the university, such as president, trustee, or alumnus.
Princeton Locations
You can review records related to specific Princeton locations below. When viewing the place record, make sure to check the Linked resources section where you can expand lists of related events and people. Look for the lists marked "Items with Location of Event" and "Items with Place of Significance" (Place of Significance means the linked person lived or worked here).