1777-11-30 Sale: Unnamed Black man captured from the enemy [Neilson]
- Title
- 1777-11-30 Sale: Unnamed Black man captured from the enemy [Neilson]
- Identifier
- NJS-EVE-00666
- Source
- Receipt issued to Colonel John Neilson recording the sale of an enslaved Black man who was taken from the enemy in war
- Receipt issued to Colonel John Neilson recording the sale of an enslaved Black man who was taken from the enemy in war, November 30, 1777. Neilson Family Papers, 1768-1908 (MC 933). Box 2, Folder 4A: Correspondence, etc. 1774 (1777-8). Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries.
- Event Description
On November 30, 1777, Thomas Bullman issued a receipt to Colonel John Neilson (1745-1833) for 55 pounds for the sale of an enslaved Black man at public auction. The name of this Black man was not recorded on the receipt, but the document mentioned that the man was "taken from the enemy" and then sold at public vendue (i.e. auction). The receipt was issued in Elizabethtown. Neilson probably became the man's new legal owner; however, the receipt does not clarify whether Neilson purchased the man for himself or for someone else. Other archival documents from the Revolutionary War era in the Neilson Family Papers indicate that John Neilson bought and sold enslaved people during the war for himself and for others.
This document was issued during the Revolutionary War, and the Black man mentioned had been captured by the New Jersey militia from the enemy, i.e. from a Loyalist enslaver. During the war, the New Jersey militia routinely captured enslaved men and women who belonged to Loyalist enslavers in New York and New Jersey. The Patriots typically sold these enslaved persons to the highest bidder at a public auction to raise money for the war effort.
The following is a full transcript of the receipt:
Elizh Town }
Novr 30th 1777 }
Receiv’d of Col John Neilson Fifty-five Pounds for a negro Man taken from the the Enemy & Sold Of Publick Vendue this Day —
Thos. Bullman
Rec-d 30th Novr. 1777 of Col Neilson Four pounds four Shillings for 2 Handkerchiefs. bougt. at Vendue by Col Runyon
Thos. Bullman
Bullman paid
For Negro & handfs
30 Nov 1777 - Event Type
- Freedom status transaction: Sale
- Date
- 30 November 1777
- Location of Event
- Elizabeth (formerly Elizabethtown)
- Primary Participant
- Unnamed Black man captured from the enemy {Neilson household}
- Enslaver
- John Neilson (1745-1833)
- Additional Participant
- Thomas Bullman
- Participant Details
*** Unnamed Black man captured from the enemy {Neilson household} ***
Role: Sold Person
Age category: Adult
Status: Enslaved
Enslaver(s) of this participant:
- John Neilson (1745-1833)
Verbatim description from source:
"negro Man taken from the the Enemy & Sold Of Publick Vendue this Day"
Thomas Bullman
Role: Seller
John Neilson (1745-1833)
Role: Enslaver - Buyer - Record Contributor
- Jesse Bayker
- Resource class
- Event
- Item sets
Part of 1777-11-30 Sale: Unnamed Black man captured from the enemy [Neilson]
Position: 904 (17 views)