New York
- Place Title
- New York
- Identifier
- NJS-PLC-00042
- Place Type
- State or Province
- Address
- New York, United States of America
- State or Province
- New York
- Country
- United States of America
- Latitude
- 42.653016
- Longitude
- -73.756895
- Record Contributor
- Jesse Bayker
- Linked Places
Counties in New York:
Cities, towns, and villages in New York:
- Albany, New York
- Brooklyn, New York
- Canaseraga, New York
- Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York
- Hallett's Cove, Queens, New York
- Harlem, New York, New York
- Hurley, New York
- Kingston, New York
- New York City, New York
- Rosendale, New York
- Scipio, New York
- Staten Island, New York
- Swartekill, Rifton, New York
- West Park, New York
- Linked Persons
To filter persons by location and other criteria, visit the Persons browsing page.
Note that only persons whose town is uncertain will show up on this list for the state. Whenever possible, each person is linked to a more precise location. Check the place records for specific communities to find out who lived there.
Persons of African descent linked to New York:
White persons linked to New York:
- Linked Events
To filter events by location, name, date, and other criteria, visit the Events browsing page.
Note that only events with an unknown town will show up on this list for the state. Whenever possible, events are linked to a more precise location. Check the place records for specific communities to see what events occurred there.
Event location is New York:
Related place mentioned in the event record is New York:
- Resource class
- Location
- Item sets
Part of New York
Position: 196 (31 views)