Mapletown, South Brunswick
- Place Title
- Mapletown, South Brunswick
- Identifier
- NJS-PLC-00119
- Place Type
- City, Town, or Village
- Description
- Mapletown (or Mapleton) was a historical hamlet in South Brunswick Township near the Millstone River, established in the 18th century as a farming community. Present-day Mapleton Road and Mapleton Preserve in South Brunswick get their names from this community.
- Address
- Mapletown, South Brunswick, Middlesex County, New Jersey, United States of America
- Locality
- South Brunswick
- County (Modern)
- Middlesex County
- State or Province
- New Jersey
- Country
- United States of America
- Alternate Name
- Mapleton
- Located In
- South Brunswick
- Latitude
- 40.36856
- Longitude
- -74.61523
- Same As
- Mapletown, New Jersey (WikiTree)
- Record Contributor
- Jesse Bayker
- Linked Persons
To filter persons by location and other criteria, visit the Persons browsing page.
Persons of African descent linked to Mapletown, South Brunswick:
- Alexander (b. 1812) {son of Jane}
- Charles (b. 1809) {son of Jane}
- Jane
- Letty (b. 1811) {daughter of Jane}
- Phebe (b. 1815) {daughter of Jane}
- Sally (b. 1817) {daughter of Jane}
- Sam (b. 1814) {son of Jane}
- Linked Events
To filter events by location, name, date, and other criteria, visit the Events browsing page.
Event location is Mapletown, South Brunswick:
- Resource class
- Location
- Item sets
Part of Mapletown, South Brunswick
Position: 1552 (15 views)