South Amboy
- Place Title
- South Amboy
- Identifier
- NJS-PLC-00029
- Place Type
- City, Town, or Village
- Address
- South Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey, United States of America
- Locality
- South Amboy
- County (Modern)
- Middlesex County
- State or Province
- New Jersey
- Country
- United States of America
- Related Place
- South River
- Latitude
- 40.486391
- Longitude
- -74.278762
- Record Contributor
- Jesse Bayker
- Linked Places
Places formed from a portion of South Amboy or formerly associated with this place:
- Linked Persons
To filter persons by location and other criteria, visit the Persons browsing page.
Persons of African descent linked to South Amboy:
- Adam
- Betty (b. 1783)
- Betty
- Bob (b. 1807) {son of Betty}
- Broffo Bowles
- Bunn (b. 1806) {son of Lenah}
- Cate (b. 1804) {daughter of Lydia}
- Cate
- Cesar (b. 1770)
- Charlot (b. 1805) {daughter of Dill}
- Debbie (b. 1808) {daughter of Lydia}
- Dick Highman
- Dill
- Dinah
- Eff
- Elias (b. 1822) {son of Kate}
- Eliga (b. 1804) {son of Mary}
- Eveline (b. 1811) {daughter of Dinah}
- Fan (b. 1805) {daughter of Eff}
- Fanny
- George (b. 1786)
- Gin
- Gin {Jane}
- Hannah (b. 1810) {daughter of Fanny}
- Issabel (b. 1808) {daughter of Kate}
- Jack (b. 1785)
- Jane (b. 1808) {daughter of Nance}
- Jane
- Joseph (b. 1777)
- Juday
- Kate (b. 1774)
- Kate
- Kate
- Lenah
- Lewis (b. 1786)
- Lydia
- Mary
- Nance
- Paris (b. 1804) {son of Gin}
- Peter (b. 1787)
- Robert (b. 1810) {son of Lydia}
- Robert Brister (b. 1793)
- Samuel (b. 1805) {son of Kate}
- Samuel (b. 1806) {son of Zoor}
- Sarah
- Sarah
- Stineche (b. 1804) {daughter of Sarah}
- Tom (b. 1805) {son of Cate}
- Tona (b. 1806) {child of Jane}
- Tone (b. 1805) {son of Gin}
- Zoor
- Abraham Bergen
- Andrew Perrine
- Anna Covenhoven
- Charles Morgan (1775-1848)
- Daniel H. Disborough
- David Bowne
- David Hall
- David Smith
- Frederick Buckalew
- Garret Voorhees
- George McAroy (1748-1810)
- George Snowhill
- Henry Cortleyou
- Jacob Suidam
- Jacob Van Wickle (1770-1854)
- James Morgan (1756-1822)
- James Throckmorton
- John Combs
- John Dey
- John L. Anderson
- John Perrine
- John Rue
- John Toan
- Joseph Buckalew
- Joseph Cottrell
- Joseph Schenck
- Lewis Combs
- Margaret Casman
- Mary Groom
- Matthias Mount
- Matthias Rue
- Nathan Davis
- Obadiah Burlew
- Peter Quick
- Randolph Hunt
- Robert McChesney
- Samuel Longstreet
- Samuel Pitney
- Thomas Applegate
- Thomas Smith
- William L. Dey
- William Longstreet
- William Perrine
- William Toan
- Linked Events
To filter events by location, name, date, and other criteria, visit the Events browsing page.
Event location is South Amboy:
- 1798-04-10 Manumission: Dick Highman
- 1803-05-03 Manumission: Broffo Bowles
- 1804-11-28 Birth: Cate
- 1804-12-07 Birth: Stineche
- 1804-12-11 Birth: Paris
- 1804-12-13 Birth: Eliga
- 1805-03-07 Birth: Samuel
- 1805-03-22 Birth: Fan
- 1805-05-02 Birth: Tone
- 1805-05-06 Birth: Tom
- 1805-11-08 Birth: Charlot
- 1806-05-04 Birth: Bunn
- 1806-11-06 Birth: Samuel
- 1806-12-17 Birth: Tona
- 1807-08-05 Birth: Bob
- 1808-02-01 Birth: Debbie
- 1808-09-22 Birth: Jane
- 1810-05-17 Birth: Hannah
- 1810-07-05 Birth: Robert
- 1811-01-19 Birth: Eveline
- 1812-02-22 Removal: Kate, Issabel
- 1812-03-02 Manumission: Cesar
- 1813-04-30 Manumission: Juday
- 1814-01-06 Manumission: Jack
- 1814-01-06 Manumission: Peter
- 1814-10-04 Manumission: Betty
- 1815-05-29 Manumission: Adam
- 1817-02-22 Manumission: Lewis
- 1818-02-11 Manumission: Simon
- 1818-02-11 Removal: Margaret Coven
- 1818-02-11 Removal: Simon
- 1819-10-14 Manumission: Robert Brister
- 1819-10-22 Manumission: George
- 1822-06-02 Birth: Elias
- 1823-09-04 Manumission: Sarah
- Resource class
- Location
- Item sets
Part of South Amboy
Position: 402 (24 views)